Difficult to please, cats are particularly resentful animals. Certain behaviors should be adopted or banned if you want your (future) cat to keep you in his heart throughout his 7 or 9 lives!
1. Hit him
The cat is intelligent and can’t stand violence. Is your furball getting into mischief? The famous spanking or a little pat on the head is not the solution, on the contrary. Just scold him severely, or even punish him. To do this, you can lock him for a few minutes in a room in the house where he is not used to going.
2. Don’t play with him
Although the cat is an animal that appreciates its independence, he needs contact with his mastersespecially playing with them. Because of his highly developed hunting instinct, he gets bored quickly and needs to be stimulated regularly. A cat doesn’t always find a way to play alonethis is why you must devote at least twenty minutes a day to a wild game with your cat.

3. Train him like a dog
The cat and the dog are two totally different species, the same goes for their education. A cat can educate itself a little but don’t think that it will sit or give you a paw to please you. To build the healthiest possible relationship with your cat, you must respect his nature, his character and not expect anything from him.
4. Give him milk
We all have the image of a cat happily lapping up some milk in our minds! In reality, most cats are lactose intolerant. Giving milk (cow, sheep or goat) to your cat is therefore strongly discouraged, as he or she may not be able to digest it and suffer digestive problems.
5. Feed him poorly
Cats are gourmets. They have an overdeveloped sense of smell and taste buds. If you serve a food to your cat that it does not like, you will be able to notice it immediately. So ban low-end kibbles and pâtés and focus on quality food. A well-fed cat is a happy cat! Be careful not to overfeed it either… obesity is a real scourge for the species.

6. Not brushing it
You have surely noticed that your cat is a hairdressing pro. He can spend hours grooming himself and combing his hair. Contrary to what you may believe, your cat does not do very well on his own. By licking itself, it removes dead hairs from its coat and swallows them, which encourages the formation of hairballs in its stomach.. These can be very dangerous if he cannot regurgitate them. By brushing your cat regularly (once or twice a week), you can limit this.
7. Adopting it too soon
Upon adoption, a kitten must have been properly weaned from its mother. For this weaning allow at least two months, even three months. Separating a kitten from its mother too early increases the risk that the cat will develop behavioral problems (more or less serious) when it becomes an adult.
8. Do not vaccinate him
Some owners believe that it is not necessary to vaccinate a cat living in an apartment, which is false. Diseases can also transmitted by biting insectslike mosquitoes, or hold on to human shoes. Other care should not be neglected such as treatment against parasites and deworming.

9. Not spaying or neutering her
Carry out the castration or sterilization of your furball significantly increases life expectancy and reduces the risk of disease like cancer. An operated cat is also less likely to run away in search of a sexual partner.
10. Leaving him alone for too long
Contrary to what one might think, cats tolerate solitude but do not appreciate it. On the contrary, despite what they want to let on, they need human contact or they risk quickly feeling depressed. So, you can exceptionally leave your cat alone for two days with a clean litter box, a mountain of kibble and a water fountain, but no more. And this situation must under no circumstances be repeated every weekend.