The cat loves to jump, climb, but also run. This animal is a real acrobat, especially when it comes to climbing curtains! It can therefore be difficult to manage it and prevent it from doing too much damage in the house. It is therefore essential to act quickly in order to properly educate your animal. In addition, certain behaviors can be dangerous for him. Unfortunately, he can get stuck on the curtains or even get the rod on his head. The consequences can then be serious. This is why it is important to keep your feline away from these potential risks.
1/ Divert your attention
First of all, if you have just adopted a cat, it is important to supervise it when it ventures into its new environment. Furthermore, you can change your beautiful curtains with old ones more damaged. Indeed, as you do not yet know how he will react, it is better that he ransacking old fabrics rather than new ones.
It is then possible that he will be very attracted to the idea of climbing them. In this case, you can try to divert one’s attentionuntil he no longer gave it as much importance. They must become harmless and completely invisible to your cat. This is definitely easier said than done! Although it may be a long time before he gets tired of it, we must not lose hope.
2/ Install enough distractions for him
There’s no shortage of cat toys on the market! In fact, you can either make your own or buy them in a store. However, it is true that they do not often give importance to the games we offer them. So you can test several toys so that he can entertain himself as he wishes.
Furthermore, our cats are great climbers, so they must have something to climb and jump to save your curtains. So try to install corners at heights that are accessible to them (for example cat trees), but also hidden areas. By having these possibilities, the cat will have no reason to use a more difficult path to dominate the room.
3/ Play with him
If the cat tries to climb the curtains, it is often to play. It is therefore necessary to ensure that nothing is missing. Spending time with him allows him to have fun with you and to exercise. Thanks to this, his attention will not be focused on your curtains. In addition to improving your bond, this allows your pet to be stimulated intellectually and physically.
You can also install a scratching post so he can use it whenever he wants. If he doesn’t care much about it at first, give him some time so that he adapts to it. However, if he continues to ignore it, don’t hesitate to encourage him to use it.