Does your cat tend to hide? This is why!

Do you have the habit of looking for your cat for hours? Then to find it hidden under the bed, in a closet or in an even more unlikely place? Perhaps you are wondering if this behavior is normal or if it hides a deep malaise… Here is the answer!

The cat is above all prey

If your cat is fearful by nature or easily impressionable, it is completely normal for him to run and hide at the slightest sound or unusual movement. And for good reason, it’s the survival instinct that speaks !

Indeed, in nature, the cat is a predator but also a prey. He must therefore always be vigilant and ready to flee in order to being able to escape from your own predators. However, visitors who come to visit your home, for example, are directly assimilated to possible predators and therefore to a threat…

It is also for this reason that the cats that are about to give birth build a nest out of sight. Indeed, in the wild, a young mother and her kittens are particularly vulnerable to predators.

Furthermore, a cat can also have want to hide to be quiet and rest without being awakened by the incessant cries of children or the dog’s invitations to play.

hidden cat
Mikhail Vasilyev/Unsplash

On the other hand, if your cat didn’t have the habit of hiding and he now spends most of his time in hiding somewhere, there is cause for concern. Indeed, any sudden change in behavior in the cat must be taken seriously, especially isolation. This can indicate stress, even a phobia, or even an illness.

Also note that the cat needs its time to adapt to a new environment. So, if you have just adopted your cat or if you have just movedit is normal for the latter to isolate himself for some time. At least until he feels comfortable enough to come out into the open.

Cats’ favorite hiding places

Most cats like to hide in absolutely undetectable places. Indeed, they are terribly good at disappearing and reappearing as if by magic. There is a reason for this.

In the wild, our feline friends must find hiding places where they feel perfectly safe in order to be able to take refuge there in the event of a threat but also to be able to sleep there.

Even though most of the time they only sleep with one eye open, it still happens that they enter a deep sleep. In this case it is absolutely necessary that they are well hidden, sleep being the time when they are most vulnerable.

Credits: iStock

So, cats tend to choose narrow, closed hiding placeslike a cardboard box for example. However, they must still have a small opening so that they can see the danger coming. Indeed, our feline friends love to see without being seen…

But be careful, if your cat manages to sneak into the most inaccessible places, you need to be vigilant. For example, remember to always check that it is not in the washing machine before turning it on.

My cat hides all the time: should I force him to come out?

Especially not! This is the last thing to do. Indeed, forcing it to come out of its hiding place could undermine your cat’s trust in you.

If you really want your feline to show off, prefer to use the gentle way. For that, try to lure him with treats or a toy. But if nothing helps, don’t insist.