The Asian or Asian cat actually originated in England. In fact, it appeared accidentally in 1981 following the mating of a Persian cat (chinchilla color) and an English Burmese. Here’s how to find out more about this mysterious feline.
His appearance
Within the LOOF (Official Book of Feline Origins), the Burmilla, the Tiffany and the Asian have the same standard. The difference is mainly based on the length of the hair as well as the color of the coat. But an important point: in the World Cat Federation (WCF), the Asian is considered Burmese type. This breed is distinguished by its medium size of semi-foreign type. Graceful and full of muscles, this cat is heavier than it seems. With its straight back and strong chest, it reveals fine legs proportional to the body.
The latter ends in a tail that is frayed at the end and thick at the base. Also medium in size, the head is relatively high between the top of the skull and the chin. It forms a sort of short triangle from the front which becomes thinner as it reaches the muzzle. Well spaced between them, the eyes are large. They can range from yellow to green and can even be gold in color depending on the coat. In the Asian, the fur is fine, short and shiny, with very little undercoat. The standard accepts all coat colors as well as tabby markings.
Long-haired cats were named Tiffany, while short-haired cats were named Asians. The Asian breed thus defined corresponds to all the colors and coats of short-haired cats which are not recognized in the Burmese: tabby, golden shaded and silver (both correspond to the Burmilla breed), solid black (variety called “Bombay” , not to be confused with the Bombay breed), self, smoke, etc.
The Asian is recognized by the LOOF (Official Book of Feline Origins), and its standard is common with the Burmilla and the Tiffany. The GCCF (Governing Council of the Cat Fancy), the leading cat organization in Great Britain, also recognizes this. On the other hand, the WCF (World Cat Federation) does not consider the Asian as a breed in its own right, but rather as a variety of the English Burmese.
The breed is relatively young, but it is developing rapidly and its popularity is growing, although today it is not very present outside of Great Britain.
His character
The Asian cat is often associated with the Burmese cat because they have the same character traits. Very loyal and affectionate, he can sometimes be invasive or annoying. He sometimes behaves like a real dog and can follow you everywhere when he decides. Besides, you can be sure that he will be there for you in good times and bad. Indeed, being very intelligent, the Asian cat quickly understands when something is wrong. This breed is actually very emphatic and endearing. She gets along easily with the whole family, provided she is well looked after.
His health
Like some Burmese, Asians can suffer from diabetes mellitus. As for food, it will be adapted to the cat’s lifestyle, its age and its general health. Remember: cats are carnivores. However, they need 41 different and specific nutrients.
Le Asian chat doesn’t ask no special maintenance. And little touch of chamois from time to time and that’s it!
Even if we lack hindsight to establish with certainty the state of his health, it would seem that he is not not subject to a specific disease whether hereditary, genetic or not. He therefore has a very good health.
However, due to its link with Burmese, Asians can therefore develop diabetes. You should not hesitate to have a health check from time to time at the veterinarian.
Its price
- Asian male price: €1,200
- Asian female price: €1,200
The Asian originated in England and appeared for the first time in 1981. The breeding was the result of an accident. A breeder had a Persian and a Burmese who mated without her knowledge. From this union are born kittens with the color of the chinchilla, but with the appearance of the Burmese. The breeder decided to continue breeding given the beauty of the animal. She named it the chinchilla. As the breeding progressed, the appearance of the kittens changed. The latter had long hair or did not have the desired color in the chinchilla. This is how the first Asians and Tiffany appeared.
La Asian cat breed comes from England and is a variation of Burmese English. She also has practically the same physique as the latter and the differences are only in the dress and the pattern. This cat originates from the Burmilla breed breeding program in the 1980s, initiated by an English aristocrat.
The Burmilla and therefore, by extension, the Asian cat which interests us in this part, was created unintentionally. The English baroness named Miranda Von Kirchberg had several cats and two of them mated without her noticing. It therefore began with the union between an English Burmese and a chinchilla-colored Persian who had a litter of magnificent little felines very close physically to the Burmese but chinchilla colored (in gray tones). Mrs Von Kirchberg then had the idea of create a new breed, the Burmilla from silver-colored Burmese. Finally, during the different reproductions carried out to have Burmilla, some of the kittens were born outside the norms of the new standard that she had fixed. As a result, the small felines having a color different from chinchilla gray are therefore at the origin of the Asian variety. And the little ones that had long-haired fur formed the Tiffany variety.