Also called the Ural Rex, the Ural Rex cat is as intriguing as it is elegant. This breed, very rare in France and Europe, originates from Russia. Here’s everything you need to know about this feline.
His appearance
Medium in size, the Ural Rex cat is still quite muscular while remaining slim. Its legs are higher than normal, which gives it a slender appearance. Males are also larger than females. In addition, its head is quite small while still being broad. Its ears are high, large and rounded at the tips. His two big ones eyes are oval and well spaced.
There exists deux types d’Ural Rex : the one with short hair and the one with mid-long hair. In both cases, the fur may appear atypical because it is wavy. Despite his curly hair, he remains very soft and silky. Its coat may vary, but its color should not be in shades of brown.
His character
Calm and affectionate, this cat is a true sweetheart. Indeed, he is very loyal to his master, even sometimes too close. He can easily become stressed or anxious when left alone for too long. You will have understood: this feline does not like solitude. So, a family available is ideal for him. He also gets along very well with children if they are not too noisy. However, if there is too much agitation, he will not hesitate to slip away in order to find more tranquility.
This feline is not very noisy. It is therefore not in the temperament of the Ural rex cat to meow all the time. He prefers to remain discreet while asking for lots of cuddles. Unlike most felines we know, this one adapts particularly well to apartment life. He does not in fact not necessarily this desire to explore the great outdoors. However, it is important to entertain him and spend a long time with him so that he feels good. He is also curious and active, so he will never say no to a play session with you. You simply have to ensure his well-being by offering him very regular company.
His health
This breed being not very widespreadwe are currently not aware of any pathology reported as recurrent. However, it is recognized as robust and can live between 13 and 17 years on average. Like every cat, it is essential to adapt its diet according to its needs (often with dry and wet food).
You should clean his eyes, ears, but also his teeth and pay attention to his claws. Indeed, as he is rather calm, he will not necessarily use his claws well. Finally, regular brushing is important especially during the moulting period because he loses a lot of hair.
Its price
The Ural Rex cat remains very difficult to adopt in our regions. You have to count around 1 000 euros minimum to get one.