Your cat doesn’t drink a lot of water, so you may be wondering if giving him fruit juice could be a good way to hydrate him… Or maybe your feline drank from your glass without you noticing. In any case, find out in this article whether giving fruit juice to your cat is good for his health or not!
A sip of juice won’t kill your cat
In itself, fruit juice is not dangerous for cats. This means that if your feline occasionally drinks one or more sips of orange or apple juice, it clearly won’t kill him. In fact, apart from refreshing it and providing it with vitamin C, there will be no other effect on it.
However, if you want to give your furball fruit juice as a treat from time to time, it is best to refrain. In fact, your cat could, in the long term, sulk your water for good! So prefer to give him small pieces of fruit (be careful to always deseed, pit and peel them).
Too much fruit juice can be dangerous for your cat
Even if fruit juice does not represent an immediate danger for our feline friends, it can nevertheless prove problematic if consumed in excess and over the long term.
In fact, cats are strict carnivoreswhich means they don’t need fruits (or vegetables) in their diet, and even less sugar! The proof is that they even have difficulty detecting the sweet taste. Not to mention that they can suffer from citrus poisoning… Their diet must therefore consist exclusively of proteins, that is to say, meat.
Thus, regularly giving them fruit juice can cause them digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea). But that’s not the worst. This can also lead them to develop relatively serious pathologies such as diabetes or obesity. Yes, since cats do not need sugar to survive, their bodies are not designed to digest carbohydrates. Instead of transforming them into energy, it most often transforms them into fat!
You will have understood it, better to avoid giving fruit juice to your cat. Not only is this not necessary but it can, in the long term, become dangerous for him. Not to mention that fruit juices sometimes contain harmful substances, such as preservatives or sweeteners.
The article Giving fruit juice to your cat: good or bad idea? appeared first on Ma vie de chat.