How do I know if my cat will accept another one at home?

When considering the possibility of adopting another feline at home, several essential questions arise – as with any animal adoption. But here it is, the whole point is also to know if the cat that you already own (or the opposite, we sometimes wonder) will be able to share its personal space… Because ultimately, that’s what it’s all about. act! And since you are the person best placed to know your cat and anticipate its reactions, it is up to you to bear the heavy responsibility of determining whether or not the arrival of a new cat will be a source of tension or happiness…

Give yourself time to think about it

Adopting a cat – and any other animal – is an act that must be weighed, and which requires responsible reflection. Even if you have already adopted in the past. By definition, you already know what adopting a cat entails if you already own one. But this time there is a new postman to take into account, and not the least: the ball of fur that already occupies your lap on a daily basis – or not, if Mr/Madam is independent.

Exactly, this is good consider your cat’s character before making the choice to bring him a new companion. First, ask yourself whether your cat’s temperament is compatible with a new arrival. Is he amendment with its congeners, or does it just tolerate them? Does he know how to demonstrate patience with the kittens?

Does your cat suffer from loneliness?

The feelings of loneliness and anxiety can manifest themselves in various ways in cats, even if they sometimes try to hide them. Animal solitaire par excellence, it does not prevent a lack of company can be felt. Of course, if you don’t want to adopt another cat, there are ways to relieve your cat of his loneliness.

That said, identify the causes of this discomfort can help in your thinking. If your cat meows constantly, follows you everywhere, destroyed everything that passes under its claws becomes lethargic or change certain of his habits (food, sleep, toilet, etc.), this can reflect a feeling of loneliness. Therefore, the presence of another cat in your home will undoubtedly allow it to feel less alone.

two cats
Credits: jakubzak / iStock

How does he behave with other cats?

Is your cat aggressive or rather sociable ? Does it defend its territory with vigor? ? Is he a fan of claws? It is clear that having a cat nature agressive and quick to bare his fangs at the slightest annoyance is no better omen. However, you can prepare the ground in advance with daily exercises to try to make him more sociable.

If you still want to welcome a new companion, it is possible to do everything to put the chances on your side and ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible . Adopter a cat of the opposite sex or a kitten are gestures that will help minimize the risks of a bad understanding. And in all cases, it is essential to prepare their meeting well !

Present them step by step

When you organize the meeting between two cats, the caution and patience are essential virtues – even more so when they are destined to live under the same roof. If you adopt a kitten, there is less to worry about since it does not represent no threatfor your furball already in place in the house.

First plan to place them, their bowls and litter boxes in very distinct places and separated. Have each their own privileged space will prevent them from feeling threatened or stressed about sharing of food resources and territory. This way you can get them to cohabit gradually, under your supervision at first!

Also, you can start with the get used to each other’s smell for example using a fabric or a toy permeated with the smellfrom the other feline. This will allow each cat to get used to the othereven before meeting him.