Whether you have a house with a garden or live in an apartment, it is entirely possible to let your cat out. But, in this case, it is better to accustom him not to go far from your home, otherwise he will experience hours or even days of anxiety. Here’s how to do it!
Good to know : letting your cat out is above all about making it happy, of course, but it also means taking the risk that something happens to it (road accident, fall, poisoning, loss of bearings, etc.). It is therefore essential to be aware of the danger before making such a decision!
1. First step: get him used to the inside
If you have just moved or adopted your cat, it is essential to get him used to it, firstly, inside your home. Indeed, before leaving to explore the surroundings, he must first of all familiarize himself with his new home. And for good reason, if he considers your interior as his “home”, he will have an easier time returning there.
The interior of your home must therefore become the central area of its territorythat is to say where your feline sleeps, plays and feeds. To do this, let him take over the place by rubbing against the walls and furniture of the house. It’s his way of marking his territory. Indeed, it spreads its smell everywherewhich allows him to feel safe.
2. Second step: let him out… under supervision
After approximately one month discovering its new home, your cat is ready to expand its territory and go outside. First, open the door (or window) for him and let him venture outside of himselfwithout forcing it.
Stay nearby to monitor it and, above all, always leave the door open in order to give him the possibility of returning when he wants to or if he becomes afraid. On the other hand, if he starts to move away too much for your liking, gently call him back. If he comes back to you, don’t hesitate to give him a little treat.

Note that, for greater safety, you can also introduce him to the outside of the house with a harness and leash.
3. Third step: get him used to coming back
Once your cat develops a taste for freedom, he may want to venture a little further than the limits you have previously imposed on him. In this case, let him do it, but call him back after 5 minutes during his first “big” outing. Then, the second time, call him again after 10 minutes, and so on. Gradually increase its release times.
The goal is to call him regularly (always with a treatof course) so that he maintains the habit, subsequently, of returning immediately. And above all, so that he never strays too far. Even if, contrary to what one might believe, our feline friends rarely stray far from their homes.
However, be careful, if your cat doesn’t answer your calls and doesn’t come back, don’t scold him when he comes back. In fact, this will simply have the effect of dissuading him even more from obeying you next time. On the other hand, don’t reward him either, just ignore him.
Precautions to take before letting your cat out
Before letting your cat out, you absolutely must take several precautions:
- Have it identified by means of an electronic chip. This way, if your furball runs away or gets lost, you can be quickly contacted if it is found.
- Have your vaccinations up to date. Indeed, during his walks, he could come into contact with cats or sick animals.
- Treat it for fleas and ticks.
- Deworm it. As a reminder, your cat must be dewormed 4 times a year.
- Have it sterilized. There are enough cats on Earth, especially abandoned cats, no need to add more!