Welcoming a young feline into your home is not always easy! Whether the arrival has been planned for several months/years or not really planned, you must in all cases organize yourself to best welcome this new member of the family. The first days in your home are indeed very important for the kitten, because he must be able to discover everything gently. Here are our tips for making your adaptation as peaceful as possible!
Installation before arrival
It is important that everything be ready and tidy before a kitten arrives. This will indeed experience a big change and must therefore be welcomed in the best possible conditions. First of all, you need to get several essential items for cats. Afterwards, find him a room just for him in order to leave it discover your new territory without having too much information to manage. He will need a very soft and comfortable cushion and bowls for kibble and water (or a fountain).
For its needs, it needs litter with substrate: always choose ecological pellets rather than chemical ones. Indeed, in addition to being better for the planet, they are also better for the health of your new companion. Once the hygiene side is taken care of, you can install various toys, a scratcher and a cat tree. In addition, he must be able to climb and exercise properly during his first days with you (and throughout his life). Finally, you should not forget the different utensils such as nail clippers, brushes and toothbrushes. You will gradually accustom your kitten to these manipulations..
First day with your kitten
It’s the big day, your kitten is coming home! If you are a little stressed, know that he too. Although you certainly want to spend all your time with him, it is essential to leave him a little alone. This step allows him to discover your new environment at your own pacewithout having too much information directly.
Do not hesitate to cover the ground with newspapers, because it may not be very clean at first. Moreover, clearly highlight his bowls so he doesn’t have to look for them. You can then move them when he is completely comfortable in your home. Leave it in this environment a few days before showing him the whole house. During this period of tranquility and familiarization, it is very important that you are attentive to his needs. Indeed, he must eat and drink correctly and that you make sure he is not too disturbed.
The first steps in autonomy
Once the restricted environment stage has passed, you can expand its discovery area. So, let him visit the whole house at his own pace. Always be careful not to have anything dangerous within reach.. Some foods and products are very toxic to our animals, they must be kept out of reach.
It is recommended to play and spend time with him in a way that so that he gains confidence in you. Afterwards, your kitten will be able to follow you while discovering the rooms of the house. Furthermore, the fact of moving away from his cocoon can disturb him a little and it is possible that he tries to relieve oneself in a new place. If this happens, act immediately by telling him no outright. your firm and directing him to his litter box. Little by little, he will understand that his toilet is in one place.
Meeting with another companion
Your new companion may not be the first animal in your home. Don’t panic, cohabitation with a kitten is often easier than with an adult cat. Indeed, they are naturally more curious and less suspicious. They therefore go more spontaneously to meet other animals. However, don’t rush them and give them time to get used to it.
This must happen gradually. To do this, you must also prepare your other animal for the arrival of the kitten. It is recommended to show the new toys to the animal already present so that he becomes familiar with the smell. You can also make introductions when your kitten will feel good in his private room. Never force them and always keep an eye on them to prevent bad behavior, especially at the beginning.
After 30 days
Once the first month has passed, your companion should be comfortable in his new home. He will have to know where your toilets and bowls are. However, it is normal for him to do some mischief and not necessarily be very clean at first. You have to be patient and take a lot of time with him. In addition, vary his toys and make sure he can climb and hide as much as he wants. It is essential that he feels good and that he have enough distractions so as not to get bored.
Of course, it is essential to give as much attention to your kitten as to your other pet. Your little cat will continue to make its mark over time. It is therefore important to be patient and never force him for anything. Thanks to these different steps, your kitten will be better able to settle in correctly and peacefully in its new home.
Extra advice
Don’t forget to have regular follow-ups with your veterinarian so that your kitten is healthy. It must be vaccinated and protected from parasites. Therefore, it must be dewormed, but also treated against fleas/ticks/lice. Furthermore, it is very important to have your animal identified so that it legally belongs to you and that it can be brought back to you if it ever gets lost one day.