The cat is an independent animal, and it very often happens that it does as it pleases. But this animal is very delicate, it cannot tolerate the slightest trace of brutality towards it. In addition, when he does something stupid and you scold him, unlike a dog, he does not realize the annoyance he is causing in humans.
The cat does not understand the concept of punishment
Training a cat is rarely easy. If this animal refuses to do something, nothing will change its mind, be sure. And conversely, if he wants to do something, he will do it. When the cat does something stupid, he doesn’t do it to annoy youbut to satisfy his behavioral needs. Indeed, the cat being a relatively wild animal, it needs to scratch its claws, play, etc. Unfortunately for you, by responding to its primary instincts, it damages your beautiful furniture, curtains, and other objects in your interior.
Contrary to popular belief, Female cats do not punish their kittens by shaking them by the scruff of the neck.. Indeed, punishment is an unknown concept for our feline friends.
So when you scold your cat for scratching the couch, he will understand that he does not have the right to do it when you are present in the room. However, this will not prevent him from doing it in your absence.
Positive education: an alternative to punishment
Punishing or scolding is therefore not the solution to educate your cat, because he will not understand the reason for this sudden aggression towards him. And on the contrary, he will only be more provocative and less tender with you. This is why it is preferable to favor positive education.
For example, if you catch your cat climbing on a piece of furniture when he is not allowed to, get him back down by telling him “no” in a firm tone. Once on the ground, give him a little treat. And of course, don’t scold him afterwards.
A cat doesn’t do stupid things if its needs are met
If your cat has everything it takes to be happy, there is no reason for it to get into mischief. To do this, make sure that he has scratching posts, toys, a clean and well-placed litter box, self-serve food, unlimited cuddles, comfortable bedding, a cat tree, and possibly access to the outdoors if possible and depending on the breed of cat.
Once all the conditions are met to satisfy his well-being and his need for freedom, the cat may be the best animal in the world. On the other hand, if he starts doing stupid things, urinating everywhere, or becoming aggressive, ask yourself questions. A cat with behavioral problems can sometimes hide deep discomfort due to stress, physical suffering or even illness.