Since the cat is a carnivore and the rabbit is a herbivore, we can ask questions about their compatibility. Although these animals are very different, fortunately it is not impossible to organize a good cohabitation between a cat and a rabbit just like with a dog. However, for everything to go smoothly, it is important to be patient. Are you planning to adopt a new companion soon? Here are the tips and steps to follow!
Animals with different characters
The rabbit is a herbivore living mainly in community. He enjoys the company of peers to play, rest and entertain himself. This small herbivore can be very calm, full of energy and often curious. However, for this very fragile and fearful animal, it is important to live in a familiar, reassuring and calm environment. For his part, the cat is rather solitaryalthough he can enjoy the company of other animals. Their temperament can be playful, explosive, but also very gentle, calm, curious and affectionate. Despite these small differences, an agreement remains possible by following a few rules.
An arrival not to be overlooked
First of all, make sure you have enough space to accommodate several pets. Calm and comfort within their environment are very important for their well-being. Indeed, if you are in a home that is already hectic and/or disordered, the elements will be less conducive to healthy, stable and harmonious cohabitation. Then, it is important to take time for each animal so that no one feels neglected.
Moreover, after arrival in the accommodation, introductions must be made gradually. Once the new companion feels good, you for example, you can present their respective smells (on a cloth, cloth, etc.) while leaving them in their personal spaces. Thus, they gently acquaint each other before the physical meeting. It is important not to rush so that the rabbit and the cat have a healthy cohabitation.

Territories to be separated
If your cat is the first to arrive in the family
Your feline already has its habits, its marks and its territory. It is important to not to upset your bearings too brutally. Therefore, choose a place where your cat does not go often to install your rabbit. He must have the time necessary to settle in properly in his new habitat. Furthermore, we recommend that you have two very distinct and separate places if cohabitation between the cat and the rabbit does not go well. Indeed, it is possible that your two animals do not get along despite the time and patience invested in this relationship. It is then essential to divide your home so that they have their private spaces without conflicts.
If your rabbit is the first to arrive
It is not necessary not rush him into meeting his new boyfriend. Since he is accustomed to his environment, leave him in an area that is comfortable and reassuring. The cat’s smells will gently reach your rabbit’s nostrils. He must integrate it into his daily life little by little so that this smell does not represent a threat. As for the new cat, also welcome him properly, without skipping steps.
A framed presentation
After introducing their mutual scents, you can move on to the next step. You can leave the rabbit or the cat in a secure enclosure so that the other comes on their own smell and observe the new companion. It doesn’t have to last very long, the main thing is that it’s going well. You can repeat this step once or twice a day. Thus, the rabbit and the cat will go at their own pace to tame each other. Be careful, however, it is important not to intervene (unless aggressive behavior manifests itself) and not to force them to approach.

He is normal that the first reactions are disturbing. The rabbit may be stressed to meet a cat, and vice versa. The cat may spit or show signs of aggression. In this case, adopt a firm voice so that he understands that this is not an appropriate attitude. The same goes for the rabbit.
Time is the best ally in achieving good cohabitation between cats and rabbits. Once these first bonds are established, you can let your animals roam free while monitoring them, so that they can discover each other more. As before, we must not skip the steps and leave them in total freedom without supervision. It remains imperative to establish a framework for this meeting and to make sure everything goes wellwithout aggression.

Food and personal spaces
To maintain the understanding established between your two companions, you have to respect a few rules. Cats and rabbits don’t eat the same things at the same times. Therefore, you can place your cat’s bowl up high. This way, the rabbit will not be able to access it. The latter must also have your own bowl in a private space. In addition, their areas are important for their respective well-being: like the cat, the rabbit must have hiding places to take refuge, but also enough space to exercise. Furthermore, their litter boxes must be separated so that they there is no conflict.
Sometimes the agreement between the cat and the rabbit does not work despite all your good will. It is also possible that your animals get along very well, but unfortunately it no longer works overnight. In this case, it is important to do not insist and protect them. Be sure to give equal importance to one as to the other so as not to create jealousy.
These tips will help youoptimize the chances of good cohabitation between your cat and your rabbit. Although these animals are very different, it is not impossible that they will become very good friends.