6. The island
Is your sweetheart avoiding your hugs or even just your touch? If he has a new tendency to isolate himself, or even to hide so as not to be disturbed while this is not at all in his habits, be wary, it is never without reason…
7. He only sleeps
Certainly, a cat spends most of its time sleeping (around 16 hours a day). If you noticed that your cat is sleeping even more than usual (yes yes it is possible!), this is not normal.
8. He washes too much or not enough
If you have noticed that your cat grooms itself excessively, to the point of pulling out its hair, or if, conversely, you have noticed that it no longer grooms itself at all, this should help you. put the flea in the ear. A cat who adopts a obsessive behavior can be a major sign of depressiona disease that is often fatal for our little felines. Indeed, a depressed cat loses the taste for life and lets itself die.
9. He seems scared
If you notice that your cat seems scared all the time, something is probably worrying him. This concern can manifest itself when you make a sudden movement next to you or when he hears familiar sounds (and runs off to hide).
10. He has digestive problems
Just like in humans, digestive problems are a sign of stress in cats. If your cat has diarrhea or is constipated while you haven’t changed his diet (and he hasn’t ingested anything unusual) it means something is bothering him.
11. He is often sick
Chronic stress can have serious consequences on your cat’s health and weaken your immune system. If your cat has repeatedly developed infectious or autoimmune diseases recently, this may be a sign of deep discomfort. If your cat is fragile, do not hesitate to take out cat insurance like figopet.