Top 5 cat breeds that don’t shed

Do you dream of adopting a cat into your home but you have a fear: hair? It is true that they can be a real scourge… especially for people with allergic (and manic) tendencies. Expect to find them everywhere (on furniture, on clothes, in your dishes, etc.) and to vacuum very regularly. Luckily, some cat breeds shed less than others. Phew!

1. Le Devon Rex

The Devon Rex is a breed of cat that has little hairwhich means that it loses less than its bushier friends. Her very fine look hides an energetic and particularly clever character. Sensitive and curious, this feline requires a lot of attention from its owners. He has a huge need for cuddles (everything we love!) and doesn’t cope well with loneliness.

chat devon rex
Credits: iStock

2. Le Cornish Rex

Don’t be fooled by its curly hair! This breed of cat does not have no undercoatwhich is ideal for people who tend to shed hair or are allergic to it. Tender and very affectionate, the Cornish Rex loves his master more than anything in the world and makes it known.

chat cornish rex
Credits : Olivia2/Wikimedia Commons

3. Le Korat

Just like the Cornish Rex, the Korat does not have an undercoat, which allows its hair to adhere better to its body and therefore not to lose it. Originally from Thailand, he is intelligent and playful. Her robust physics makes it a worthy adversary in the event of a fight with a fellow creature. The life expectancy of this gentle and reserved cat is higher than that of other cats. In fact it is 25 ans on average compared to 16 years for the others.

chat korat
Credits: Abujoy/Wikimedia Commons

4. The Siberian

Originally from Russia, the Siberian cat is very HAIRY. Don’t worry, his hair doesn’t fall out thanks to his oily coat. It is a breed which secretes little FEL D1 protein, the protein responsible for allergies in human beings. For those who don’t know, it is not the cat’s hair itself that causes allergies but the FEL D1 protein that the cat deposits on it when it cleans itself. Sociable and affectionate, this ball of fur can turn out to be a real pot of glue.

Siberian cat
Credits: Pxhere

5. The Sphynx

Can there be a cat that loses less hair than the famous hairless cat, the Sphynx? This seems completely logical! If you love cats but really don’t want to see a single fur in your home, adopt a Sphynx. The latter is only covered with down which leaves no trace behind it. Despite its somewhat harsh appearance, this breed of cat is particularly gentle and sociable and it fits perfectly into families with children. His atypical physique depends on everyone’s tastes, we love it or we hate it!

Sphynx Cat
Credits: iStock