Who said living in the city and adopting a cat weren’t compatible? Urban dwellers are increasingly letting themselves be tempted by adopting a cat. Indeed, its success is due to its good ability to adapt to its environment, including small apartments. There are even certain stay-at-home breeds for whom they don’t miss life in the great outdoors in the slightest if they are sufficiently stimulated.
1. The Persian
Considered as THE indoor catthe Persian has a fairly lazy character. Spending the day snoozing on the couch interests him more than going out on the road. On the other hand, it is a particularly affectionate breed, requiring a lot of attention from its beloved masters whose long hours of absence it has difficulty supporting.

2. The Sacred of Burma
The Birman is distinguished by its somewhat stubborn and sulky little character, which often forces its human to give in to all its whims. This does not prevent him from loving contact with his masters, without being a real pot of glue. It is a very stay-at-home breed, knowing how to demonstrate unfailing calm.

3. Russian Blue
Unlike the Persian, the Russian Blue is a very independent cat. He tolerates solitude quite well in the absence of his masters working all day (although you still have to give him enough to do). However, he values his peace and quiet a lot and fears stress and noisethis is why this breed is not compatible with a life surrounded by children.

4. Le Ragdoll
Ragdoll literally means “rag doll”. The origin of its name is due to its ability to become elastic and relaxed when someone holds him. Calm and gentle, he is a pot of glue devoid of any defensive instinct.

5. Le Devon Rex
Although the Devon Rex sheds little hair (it is one of the breeds that sheds the least), it only has a curly and fine coat, which makes it very cautious. He doesn’t like to venture outside much. Sociable and affectionatehe prefers cuddles and games. Apartment life suits him perfectly!

6. The British Shorthair
The British Shorthair is a cat with a rounded physique and rare intelligence. It’s very simple, he understands everything that is happening around him and he acts accordingly. Very calm and affectionatehe is also particularly sociable with other animals while loving to maintain his independence. With a strong predatory instinct, this cat needs to play to be happy.